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Frequently Asked Question


Here you will find questions that have been addressed.  If you have anyquestions that you do not see here, please contact me and I will answer your question and add it to this page.

If I am absent, do I have to make up the class?


Physical education classes only meets 2 times a week, missing one class hinders the opportunity to work on improving the fitness skills/ levels.  Many students do not participate in any physical activities outside of school making their time in Physical Education class important.  The expectation of the Phys Ed department is that all student should make up their classes.

When can I make up my classes?


Make up can be done during any study halls or Falcon Time, except for Thursdays.  If make up can not be done at this time, please see me so we can make other arrangements.

How long do I have to make up a class?


It's always best to get your make up done as soon as possible, however, students have 2 weeks to get their make up done when absent.  If students sit out of class for behavior or not changing, then students will have a week to make those up. (arrangements should be made ASAP if their falcon time availability is limited.

What happens if I am injured?


If you are seeing a Dr., physical therapist or athletic trainer, please keep in mind we have a fitness room that a modified class could be arranged when that option is available. If the fitness room is available we can modify the class as needed to accommodate the injury. If you are unable to participate at all in any physical activity, a writing assignment might be an option.

Why do I have a "0" for a grade for a class I was absent for? (also used for not participating, excused or not)


Zero's are used as a place holder with the code AB (absent) until the class is made up.  This gives you an accurate assessment of what your grade will be if you do not make up the class.  If a grade was not entered when a class was missed there would not be an accurate grade and students/ parents may think the class did not need to be made up until the zero's were added in at the end of the quarter.  This process eliminates a 'shock' at the end of the quarter by seeing a grade drop.  Other pre-existing codes in PowerSchool (Incomplete, Missing, Absent, etc) do NOT associate a number grade with it and does not reflect an accurate grade, therefore a "0" is entered

Why are Polar Heart Rate Monitors used in Physical Education Class?


The use of heart rate monitors provides the students the ability to determine their grade by working out at a  fitness level appropriate for them. Heart Rate Monitors also provides concrete evidence of their fitness level during their fitness activities.  This eliminates any comparison of students effort as each student has different fitness levels. 

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